It was awesome! Kali and I went on the elephant together, and it was great. We fed the baby elephant that kept drooling on my pants with it's trunk when it reached up- :P. Kali says that she liked the baby best (she is again sitting right next to me), but I still didn't like the drooling part.
Next was the hike to the waterfall. It was so pretty! But Kali got muddy on the way up and down the steep muddy slope because crocks (the shoes) don't have much friction. The way back from the waterfall was great, we had to cross rivers and stuff. Tropical forests are so full of life, we must have seen thousands of butterflies and birds on the way.
Last of all was the bamboo rafting. (We couldn't bring a camera on it unless it was waterproof- which it's not- so there's not a picture. Sorry!) It was fun, since I had made sure that we brought our swimsuits (Bob and Sherri didn't listen, so they got their clothes wet), but I didn't like the guy that poled the raft. It was like he was making fun at us! When Kali or I would laugh, for instance, he would imitate us in a high-pitched squeaky voice. Humph- grumble grumble grumble. I really didn't like him.
So that was our day! It was good, although comparing it to the other one, some parts were good, some bad. All in all, it was an fine day.