The first thing we did was drive to the local market. On the way there, other people were picked up, and we were surprised to see the family that we had met and talked to the other day! (One of
When we got to the farm, we went and looked at the plants that we were going to use in our cooking. Some of the plants were: chilies, basil, parsley, and eggplant.
The first thing we cooked was red/green curry with chicken. We
After a two-hour break, we made one more dish and dessert. The other dish was stir-fried noodles with tofu. (I LOVE TOFU! MINE MINE MINE!) The dessert was mango with sticky rice- that mango was the best I have ever tasted!
That was such a good day, even though I don't remember any of the recipes or nutin'. So, I have made Thai food! Yay, me! Congratulate me or I won't give you cookies! Grr! (I apologize for my moments of total insanity, people. JUST LIVE WITH IT!)
Well, everything must come to an end, including this post. Let's all shed a tear of... of whatever. *Moment of silence* okigottagonowihaveadoctorsappointmentorwhatever. *Rushes out. And, then from outside you hear "I'M FREEE!* :D
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