Why the Blog?

These days everyone wants to travel the world. As kids and teens we dream about it. As adults we might often think about it, but never find the time. We dream, but few of us ever reach our goal. I am one of those few.
Soon, starting September 4 , my dad and I are going overseas to three places-Israel, Thailand and Prague, Czech Republic. Well, those are where our homes are going to be, but we will be traveling in Egypt, Sweden, and other places. We will stay in each place for about three months.
I am an eleven-year-old girl named Rachael. My father is Philip and my mother(who is not coming for the whole trip but is visiting) is Margie. In this blog I will keep you posted about events. Let me know what you think. Thanks!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Lots and lots of stuff

Hey! Sorry I haven't written in so long, but I was busy. I have a lot of stuff for you guys, so enjoy! Also, Sheila and I got a cold sometime in this time period. Dad got it too on Sunday.

The day after Sheila, her class, and I went on a hike Sheila, Dad, Emma, and I went to Stockholm (Oh, sorry, I forgot to tell you this before: Sheila and Emma live in Uppsala which is north of Stockholm, the capitol of Sweden) for the day. It was awesome! To get to Stockholm we had to take a bus to the train station, and then there was a 40 minute train ride.

Stockholm was big! The first place we went to was the castle. It was really cool, and we also got to see the changing of the guards. The guards were all in uniform and walked with their legs all straight and their arms swinging! It was comical, and Sheila and i had fun imitating them. We walked all around the castle district and saw some really cool stuff. I also got this book that I have been wanting for a while now, and I'm so happy!

After the castle we went to the huge museum which had all these themes: space, old-fashioned stuff, optical illusions.... the list could go on forever! We all had a fun time looking at everything.

On Saturday, Dad, Will and I went to a dance show that Sheila was in! There were all these songs with all these cool dances ranging from little kids to high school people. Sheila was in the 9-11 age group, with one of the two hip-hop songs. She was awesome! There was this one song that i got unfortunately stuck in my head. It was inappropriate for some of the kids there!

After the show, Sheila and I went to Will's house to spend the night. We watched a Eurovision thing where all the European (including Israel!!!!) countries picked an artist to make a song and ten sing it on TV, and after all the songs were sung people got to call in and vote. Sweden didn't get a lot of votes, but it was a great song! Wah. Russia won, and I think their song stunk. Sheila and I didn't get to sleep until after midnight!

On Sunday, Sheila preformed again, but only Emma went to watch her, so after dropping off Sheila Will drove me to Emma's house. There was no-one there since Dad went to Stockholm again and Emma was at work, so I entertained myself until Sheila came back. After Sheila and Emma got back, we decided to go to a pool! Sheila and I would swim, and Emma would sit somewhere and study for a test that's coming up. Did you know that Emma is studying to become a vet? I want to be a vet, too!

The pool was awesome! Actually, there were three pools! One where there were all these water slides and fun stuff, that's where the kids mostly went. Another was where the diving boards and the lap lanes were. Yet another was outside, but there was no-one there, it was too cold so Sheila and I didn't go in that one for too long. We stayed in the pool for three hours! It was so fun!
When we got back to the house Dad and I started packing since we were leaving on Monday.

On Monday we left Sweden! Nooooo! I really miss Emma, Sheila, Will, and all the pets! I soooooo hope that I will see them again not too far in the future.

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