Why the Blog?

These days everyone wants to travel the world. As kids and teens we dream about it. As adults we might often think about it, but never find the time. We dream, but few of us ever reach our goal. I am one of those few.
Soon, starting September 4 , my dad and I are going overseas to three places-Israel, Thailand and Prague, Czech Republic. Well, those are where our homes are going to be, but we will be traveling in Egypt, Sweden, and other places. We will stay in each place for about three months.
I am an eleven-year-old girl named Rachael. My father is Philip and my mother(who is not coming for the whole trip but is visiting) is Margie. In this blog I will keep you posted about events. Let me know what you think. Thanks!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Eli, Dylan, and the rain

My brother Eli is here with his friend Dylan!!! I am really happy. I have missed my brother a lot.
They flew into Thailand at around 3:45pm Thursday afternoon. We ate at the Japanese resturant for dinner. I'm sorta worried about what Eli's going to eat since he's vegetarian. Luckily, there are some vegetarian places around town.

It started raining while we were at dinner! I mean, this is the dry season, but you can try telling that to the weather.

Last night we went over to the night market. The rain slackened off, thankfully. Eli and Dylan bought a lot of stuff. We got a roti! (A roti is a sweet, a fried pancake sorta thing, and you can choose toppings like chocolate and bananas. It's really good!) Since our feet and legs were hurting, Mom and I got a half-hour feet/legs massage. When we got done, it was almost 10:45! So we immediately got a taxi home and went to bed.

This morning I got up early, since we were going running. It was raining again! We decided why not, and went running in the rain! It was quite fun, although we got wet.

Well, I gotta go! Breakfast is ready!

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