Why the Blog?

These days everyone wants to travel the world. As kids and teens we dream about it. As adults we might often think about it, but never find the time. We dream, but few of us ever reach our goal. I am one of those few.
Soon, starting September 4 , my dad and I are going overseas to three places-Israel, Thailand and Prague, Czech Republic. Well, those are where our homes are going to be, but we will be traveling in Egypt, Sweden, and other places. We will stay in each place for about three months.
I am an eleven-year-old girl named Rachael. My father is Philip and my mother(who is not coming for the whole trip but is visiting) is Margie. In this blog I will keep you posted about events. Let me know what you think. Thanks!

Monday, April 14, 2008

(No Title Available, Check Back Later)

Yikes! I haven't written in four days! Bad Rachael, bad Rachael (Bangs head on wall like Dobby in Harry Potter 2)! I am so sorry guys! I meant to post yesterday, but... It was my birthday! And, so I didn't feel like publishing.

We're back from Amsterdam! Woohoo, woohoo! I didn't realize how much I missed Budapest 'till I came back! I'm glad to be home.

Eli and Dylan are here! Yay! They had some problems getting into Hungary, but luckily it all worked out. I am so glad they're here, even if we are a little cramped in here :(

Anyways, I gotta go! We are going out soon, but I'm holding us up with schoolwork. Bad Rachael
("Bang, bang, bang" hits head on wall)! Bye!
(Walks woozily from computer, eyes twirling clumsily around like you do when you spin too much.)

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