Why the Blog?

These days everyone wants to travel the world. As kids and teens we dream about it. As adults we might often think about it, but never find the time. We dream, but few of us ever reach our goal. I am one of those few.
Soon, starting September 4 , my dad and I are going overseas to three places-Israel, Thailand and Prague, Czech Republic. Well, those are where our homes are going to be, but we will be traveling in Egypt, Sweden, and other places. We will stay in each place for about three months.
I am an eleven-year-old girl named Rachael. My father is Philip and my mother(who is not coming for the whole trip but is visiting) is Margie. In this blog I will keep you posted about events. Let me know what you think. Thanks!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Statue Park

Oh, I forgot to tell you last time that Dylan got some news from his mother and went back to the US. He is hoping to return soon, though. For now it is just Dad, Eli, and I.

Hey! Guess what Dad, Eli, and I did today? We went to a statue park!
To get to the park, we had to go on a subway, a bus, and then a tram. The subway and bus went without a hitch, but the tram wasn't so good. The guide book said to get off at the fifth stop, but the problem was that the bus driver didn't stop at every stop. So when we got off at what we thought was the fifth stop, we were 8-10 kilometers (5-6 miles) away from where we wanted to be! So we had to get onto the tram going the other way, and this time we got off at the right stop, courtesy of the driver signaling us.

The park was awesome! All the statues were Communist, from when the Soviets were in Europe, from 1945 to around 1990. We didn't spend a lot of time there, seeing as it was drizzly and there weren't that many statues anyway.

Up Next: Good news! Tomorrow (Thursday) Dad, Eli, and I are going to a town called Eger (pronounced something like Egger) for two days! I can't wait!

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