Armenian Quarter. Each has it's advantages and disadvantages; such as that only the Jewish Quarter is fully equipped for wheelchairs, and so on and so forth.
Guess what? I, Rachael, have walked on ground dating back to the time of Jesus Christ, 2000 years ago! Dad and I have seen some really cool stuff, like a hole in the ground that had a glass pane over it, and through the glass you could see a rusted metal ladder that went down maybe, 10 or 15 feet, it was hard to tell. The ladder led down to another level, which led down to another level, and another... it was from when the Romans ruled, and they just built up level after level, after LEVEL! Everything is made of stone, there. Seriously, everything!
Soon after we got there it was lunch time. We ate at a restaurant where the coolest thing happened. There was a kitten there, and when I crouched down and called it, it came running over and jumped in my lap! I had ordered a shwarma, which is a pita filled with turkey, sauce, and whatever else you choose from the array of vegetables. A felafel is like that, too, but it has mashed-up chick peas instead of turkey. I fed the kitten some turkey. (I know, I know, I'm rambling on about a cat instead of the history of one of the most holy cities in the world... but I like cats!)
After lunch, Dad and I walked around a bit more, and then we decided to go on the Ramparts Walk, which is a walk along the top of the wall surrounding the Old City. We didn't go all the way, though, because I was recently sick with strep throat, and was getting a killer headache. (actually, I'm still sick, I have a 101.8 fever today :P) Soon after the Ramparts Walk, we went home, and I went right to bed.
On the train ride home, I listened to a song called Jerusalem by Steve Earle on Dad's MP3 player. (You should go listen to it on YouTube or something, it's really nice.) One of the really moving parts went like this:
...And the lion and the lamb/will lie down in peace together in Jerusalem.
I believe that is true.
Hi Rachael,
I am enjoying reading your blog! Pekoe says 'hi' with MANY kisses. I will have Alex write his own comments...
Rachel, Alex and Pekoe
Hi Cookie!!!!! I'm lovin' your adventures and feel as though I am there with you. Tell me more about the smells, colors and sacred spaces. Absorb it all. The mushiest of kisses XXX Karin
Hi Cookie!!!!! I'm lovin' your adventures and feel as though I am there with you. Tell me more about the smells, colors and sacred places. Absorb it all. The mushiest of kisses... Karin
PS Hope this post gets through I've tried sending it several times now.
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