Why the Blog?

These days everyone wants to travel the world. As kids and teens we dream about it. As adults we might often think about it, but never find the time. We dream, but few of us ever reach our goal. I am one of those few.
Soon, starting September 4 , my dad and I are going overseas to three places-Israel, Thailand and Prague, Czech Republic. Well, those are where our homes are going to be, but we will be traveling in Egypt, Sweden, and other places. We will stay in each place for about three months.
I am an eleven-year-old girl named Rachael. My father is Philip and my mother(who is not coming for the whole trip but is visiting) is Margie. In this blog I will keep you posted about events. Let me know what you think. Thanks!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

City Girl

Wow! Here I am, New York City, New York! So great they had to name it twice. Right now, Dad, my brother Eli, and I are at our first cousin's, once removed house. They're names are Joanie and Eric.
It's raining outside, so I can't go to the beach. Poo. Oh, well, I'll write soon! Kids , have a good first day at school, and grownups have a good time doing what grownups do when kids aren't around (assuming you have a kid). Toodles!